Pinewood Drive In…





Even on a freezing cold December night, with an almost incomprehensible screen bigger than three football pitches obscured between car wiper blades in torrential rain, the magic was still present.

For just beyond the giant wall of the paddock tank onto which Superman: The Movie was being projected, the world-famous 007 Stage was visible, providing the unique experience of watching scenes that were filmed years ago only yards away from where we sat.

The Pinewood Drive-In was a short lived endeavour but a fascinating one. Parked on a backlot that was once the site of Metropolis, Midvale (and indeed Gotham City) an impressive number of cars amassed before the screen and tuned to the exclusive radio station for sound.  A shared experience for hardcore fans making for an incredible night…

From the top, ticket, exclusive map (with handwritten directions to the drive-in site) and visitors leaflet…